Kamis, 25 September 2008

do not eat...

It has been requested that we share this information with
you all,

Please do not eat the following items if they are still at
home: M&M's, Snickers, Mentos yoguart bottle, dove
chocolate, oreo wafer sticks, nonmilk, dutchlady
sterilized milk, Walls all natural mango, mini poppers
ice-cream, magnum ice-cream, moosesandwhich ice-cream,
mini cornetto, u can ice-cream. If you have any of these
items it has been requested by AVA not to eat them.

SINGAPORE - Singapore has found traces of a toxic chemical
in a third Chinese-made dairy product as a scandal over
tainted milk spreads across Asia, authorities said Sunday.

Singapore's Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority, known as
AVA, said samples of White Rabbit-brand Creamy Candy
imported from China were contaminated with melamine, an
industrial chemical that can cause kidney stones and lead
to kidney failure.

"Retailers and importers have been instructed to recall
these products and withhold them from sale," the AVA said
in a statement. "Consumers who have bought the affected
products are advised not to consume them."

Melamine has been blamed in China for four infant deaths
and illnesses in 6,200 who drank tainted milk powder. A
3-year-old girl in Hong Kong was also diagnosed with a
kidney stone after drinking milk containing melamine.

Since the problem of tainted milk products became public
knowledge less than two weeks ago, the crisis has spread
to include almost all of China's biggest dairy companies.
Their products have been pulled from stores around the
country, and in other places such as the self-governing
Chinese territories of Hong Kong and Macau. Starbucks
stopped offering milk in its 300 outlets in China.

Mary Spare

Jakarta International School
Health Officer
Ph: 769-2555 Ext 11320

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